Friday, 9 October 2009

Shot list

High shots- we want to use high shots looking down on our character to try and make him look insignificant, this will add to the idea of him being alone in the city.
Close -ups- we will be using lots of close-up shots of the character to focus on his facial expressions, and to communicate how the character is feeling to our audience.
Tracking shots- these will be used quite a lot to follow our character, around the city.
Mid-shots- these will be used to focus on the character in crowds of people, while showing his surroundings.
Low shots- we will be following the characters footsteps, this will help add more shot types and make our video more interesting. these will also be used to signify the importance of the girl in the video.
long shots- using these shots will help us capture a lot of the characters surroundings, while still keeping the character in frame, this will help us set the scene.

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