Macro elements - Genre - The genre of our music video is Indie/Pop. Our video includes a narrative based on one main character. There's possibility for performance however its not certain, Lip sync will be used through most of the video.
Micro elements - Mise-en-scene - The main character will be dressed casually holding a guitar. The video will be filmed during the day so the lighting will be light, however when in the city it will be darker than in the countryside. This will enhance the characters feelings throughout the video.
Camerawork - There will be many varieties of camera work in the video. Some examples will be close ups to capture emotion, Long shots to show the surrounding clearly and high angle shots to make the main character look insignificant.
Editing - Throughout the video seeing as the song is quite up beat we will use quick cuts, Also flashbacks will be used (possible editing to create haziness for flashbacks).
Sound-image relationships - The lyrics in the song show times of when the singer was happy and sad therefore when the lyrics are saying the positive lyrics the main character will be in the countryside in contrast to negative lyrics meaning the character is located in the city.
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