1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For are music video we used Goodwins video analysis technique as a guide as to what are music video may need. we looked closely at the lyrics of the song and also looked closely at similar types of songs with similar styles of video we wanted and also music, for example lucky Jim-lovely to me, we all felt it had a similar pace and was also a bit slow and sad, although i do think our song choice does have a bit of a faster pace and a quicker beat, we also looked at Vanessa Carlton-One thousand miles, this video inspired us a great deal as we liked the idea of the close up of the piano and following the main singer round the duration of the video.
We also looked at Elvis Costello playing in the street of the film Austin powers and this helped us with our idea of having the drum kit in the street whilst the singer (James) walked past him as if he wasn't there, A groups video from last year we also liked a lot as they had a drum kit in the middle of a field which we thought was a good idea and also an unusual one. We looked at current products that are currently out and we decided with the quite commonly used idea of following the main singer around whilst he sings, we felt the pace, lyrics and simpleness of the song suited this style, when you look at our final piece i think the video will reflect this.
Some of out shots were effective, there is one medium shot using the reflection of the window to film the main character singing which adds something different and makes the video seem very professionally done, I also think the panning shot of Cambridge used at the start of the video is a nice opening and is key in setting the build up, we filmed this from a multi story car park so we could get as high as possible.
In our digi Pack cover we felt we had to have the main singer on the cover as he is the main feature of the music video and we wanted continuity, we liked the artic monkeys Cd cover as its very plain and simple but affective as it shows the main singer and what hes about, we felt keeping it simple would keep continuity.

We wanted to keep the magazine cover similar but we wanted to entice potential buyers of the digi pack in, so we Incorporated lots of pictures from the video so readers could see the singer and band in action, we used bold writing so it stood out and put all relevant information on it e.g the bands web site and things like album of the year which Will also pull people in to buying the digi pack.
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2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Are group defiantly felt continuity was key as fans and possible future purchasers can see a consistent style in the artist work. The combination of our main product and ancillary texts has an effective combination because it created a relation to all three products. The main reason we decided to chose the shot we did for the main cover was to show clear distinction between the city and the lead singer, this is similar to our original idea of having the main singer with an instrument with a city in the background, we kept with the black and white on the cover and i think it really stands out and looks professional. we wanted to give a sneak preview of what the video actually has and its a similar style.The colour scheme we chose was black and white. The reason for this choice was because the song describes the main singer as upset and lonely there fore by using black and white it enhances the dullness and emotion in the shots. Seeing as we felt there was a slight rock feel within the song we thought we could show this with in the text chosen for the main cover. This allows the viewer to gain some idea of what the music genre is before listening to the song. The reason we set out our magazine ad and digipak as we did are because after studying possible ideas on the Internet we found using the simple yet effective ideas brings the message across clearly so viewers get a clear idea of what's going on. we didnt want to much on the front of the digi pack we just wanted to stick to an idea like the artic monkeys and show the main singer. On the magazine add we have various shots of exciting parts of the video, e.g the drum kit in the street whilst the main singer is walking past and the reflection shot in the window, these show the potential purchasers what they can expect in the digi Pack which is defiantly important in a magazine add as its main purpose is to entice potential product buyers. We have put the writing down the middle of the magazine add as we fell this is what readers will look at first then they can explore the different pictures going on and the writing saying things like must buy etc.
3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
I feel audience feedback is integral in perfecting a media peice, we recieved feeback halfway through filming/editing, this really helped us as a key thing that came up was that various parts went on for quite long and were quite bring, this constructive critism helped us as we corrected these parts, we made different quicker cuttin shots and made the pace faster to keep teh viewer intrested, another thing that came up was about certain shots being slightly unsteady and zooms being a bit shakey, with time i feel we could of either re done the shots or worked on final cut to help make these not as noticable, feedback is also extremely important as we as a group may not spot something wrong were others may pick up on it as well as getting opinions on wether the hole thing works. One good similarity that is effective is using the black and white technique throughout the main product and ancillary texts. Also the screen grabs and text used are all the same style therefore fit in with each other and show clear relations when you look at both pieces of work. all our products compliment each other well as similar styles have been used, we have used teh black and white style which is perhaps known as a theme to the fans of the group, it could be known as a bit of a trade mark. we had some feedback on the writing style we choose, it was said to be to gothic for the style of genre, but we feel it looks good and stands out and keeps with the black and white theme we have. Another thing that was feedback to our group was about the fact we have black and white for the shots of our main charater singing and colour for our instrument parts, this is constructive crisitism and we are pleased with it but we feel the purpose of the black and white was to show the emotion of the character being sad and alone, the black and white helps symbol his loneliness, and the instrument parts are meant to be more up beat and happier or we fealt viewers may think the hole video is to dull and depressing.
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The use of media technologies was hugely helpful, the main things we used were final cut, photshop and the internet were we also used the blogger. All these things were key to the success of our 3 products. The blog was used to put research and information on, this was very helpful as we could upload videos and research and then analyse it on the blog, which helped us to understand music videos how they work and structure a plan for our video, we posted various ideas and could choose the best ideas and create one best idea, our regrets may be that we didnt put enough on the blog, even though we did more research etc than shown on the blog we didnt in some cases upload work which may have helped us improve out final peice and increase our mark, on the other hand a lot of work was produced and it was integral to our success. the internet was key also, using sites like youtube and google maps for research in to music videos and locations for filming. I also did some research on digi packs and magazine adds i did this from using information pictures and videos from the internet. we used final cut for the actual editing of the music video, this enabled us to cut out bits that were not needed and to put the order of footage in the right place fading bits of film in and adding techniques like tints and black and white, these were used to enhance the quality of our piece. photshop was used for the digi pack and magazine cover, we used paint, pen tool and the shape tool to help us create high quality products, there is a layers on photo shop so adding text and picures is easyt and simple and concentrating on each layer meant we could make each part as good as we could.
The use of media technologies was hugely helpful, the main things we used were final cut, photshop and the internet were we also used the blogger. All these things were key to the success of our 3 products. The blog was used to put research and information on, this was very helpful as we could upload videos and research and then analyse it on the blog, which helped us to understand music videos how they work and structure a plan for our video, we posted various ideas and could choose the best ideas and create one best idea, our regrets may be that we didnt put enough on the blog, even though we did more research etc than shown on the blog we didnt in some cases upload work which may have helped us improve out final peice and increase our mark, on the other hand a lot of work was produced and it was integral to our success. the internet was key also, using sites like youtube and google maps for research in to music videos and locations for filming. I also did some research on digi packs and magazine adds i did this from using information pictures and videos from the internet. we used final cut for the actual editing of the music video, this enabled us to cut out bits that were not needed and to put the order of footage in the right place fading bits of film in and adding techniques like tints and black and white, these were used to enhance the quality of our piece. photshop was used for the digi pack and magazine cover, we used paint, pen tool and the shape tool to help us create high quality products, there is a layers on photo shop so adding text and picures is easyt and simple and concentrating on each layer meant we could make each part as good as we could.
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